Início rápido na fazenda Nakifuma em Uganda: Em um pequeno período de tempo, uma fazenda de galinhas se transformou em uma moderna operação de criação e processamento de suínos.
Nas proximidades de Kampala, não longe do lago Victoria na Uganda, Africa, o escocês nativo Colin Watson instaurou a base para uma fazenda de suínos moderna no começo de 2019. Watson, que trabalhou em projetos internacionais de ajuda ao desenvolvimento desde 1986, assumiu uma criação de galinhas, junto com seu time. O objetivo era transformar a operação em uma criação de suínos capaz de suprir a demanda local de carne de porco com um nível de qualidade muito alto.
As the first step, 440 sows primarily of South African breeding were quartered in the newly adapted stalls. The first piglets were born at the start of May 2020, and by the end of August, the first of the meat was ready for delivery.
All steps take place on the farm: breeding, slaughtering and refrigeration.
Particular value is placed at the farm on the quality and correct composition of the feed for the pigs. It is prepared at the local feed mill according to a special recipe specified by the farm and then transported to the farm. The various areas – pig farm, slaughterhouse, transport, land management, marketing and management – now provide work for roughly 50 employees, all dedicated to quickly achieving the ambitious goal of producing 12,000 kilograms of meat per week.
Founded in 2018 by AgDevCo and Centurion Agricultural Partners
Bauer machinery: Operating on the farm since early 2020: Separator S655, submersible motor pump CSP 5.5 kW (both with control unit), electric mixer MEX 450G, eccentric screw pump Helix Drive 556
Advantages of separation:
Nakifuma Farm appreciates the advantages of manure separation: The volume and odor are considerably reduced, and the solids can be stored without special precautions. Plus, a new project for lucrative utilization of the solids is well under way.
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