BAUER Websites > BAUER Brasil > Irrigation > Pivot / Linear > VRI – Variable Rate Irrigation
Precision Irrigation: because every drop counts

VRI - Variable Rate Irrigation

Water is a precious resource, which needs to be conserved. With regulators applying pressure on an array of ever stricter regulations regarding water usage, and environmental protection increasing worldwide, Bauer saw a need to develop products to meet these requirements.

With the BAUER VRI solution, water is applied in the most economical way possible: precipitation is programmed to automatically and precisely adjust to different crops and soil types, unnecessary areas can be left out, also preventing over or under application. Effluent can also be applied without issue. It is important to maximise the use of waste water, providing the plant with sufficient water and nutrients, while meeting all official regulations. BAUER VRI makes this simple!

BAUER Pivot Schweden VRI

TOP benefits from BAUER VRI:

  • Water application is set for the correct amount of water exactly in each sector of the field, reducing overall water usage, in some cases, significantly.
  • Water application can be varied to soil type: Saturated areas need less irrigation, while drier areas will need more water.
  • Separated effluent or liquid manure can be irrigated in the most uniform application possible without issue: due to special VRI valves, blockages and corrosion are minimised.
  • Irrigation of specific areas, such as buildings, ditches, wet areas, water troughs, laneways, or other non-irrigable areas in the field can be switched to zero irrigation.
  • Runoff is significantly reduced, added fertilizer nutrients are retained uniformly and are readily available for plant uptake.
  • Official irrigation & wastewater regulations can easily be met (e.g. protecting waterways & cattle water with appropriate setback distances to avoid contamination).
  • Operations are in real time, GPS location is updated every 30sec – 3 minutes. This is necessary for VRI wot work correctly. No calculated position is used.

BAUER Pivot Schweden VRI

The VRI principle

VRI (Variable Rate Irrigation) means that water application rates within selected areas of one field, can be adjusted to the exact precipitation rate to crop requirement and soil moisture holding capacity. In addition, selected areas can be excluded from the irrigated zone, such as troughs, waterways, buildings and laneways. This ensures that no water is wasted.

The VRI principle is based on activation and deactivation of individual nozzles, which are controlled by Bauer’s unique VRI boxes via a BUS system. Depending on plant requirements, areas within the field are programmed for different application rates. The Bauer system is remote monitored and controlled, via Bauer’s SmartRain server. With this system in place, less time is required in the field. SmartRain allows the user to see every machine function, and adjust the functions remotely.

VRI Ventil

Hardware and Software

BAUER VRI is available for BAUER Pivots, Linear and Centerliner systems. A Retro-fit kit for existing systems is also available.

The main components of the BAUER VRI solution are:

  • Electro-hydraulic valves with customised filter specifically designed for optimized water application in different sectors. The valves are also suitable for the irrigation with screened industry wastewater or separated liquid manure.
  • Special Bauer VRI control boxes control the valves via a BUS system, using opening and closing impulses, which are fully adjustable.
  • For installing VRI, Pivots, Linears, or Centerliner systems need to be equipped with a SmartTouch or UniversalTouch control panel and be connected to SmartRain remote management.
  • The SmartRain app is required for remote control and monitoring of the irrigation systems via PC, smartphone or tablet.
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VRI Prescription Features

With VRI it is certain that no water is wasted. The BAUER VRI solution guarantees efficient use of the available water resources, while delivery maximises crop yields: you’ll get more out of every hectare. To fully benefit from VRI, a prescription program is set up with SmartRain, where field data, soil types, and holding capacity can all be factored in to  create an irrigation plan tailored to the field and crop requirements.

How you customize and optimize your irrigation management:

  • The different irrigation sectors (polygons) are drawn on a map via the SmartRain portal or imported via Shape, KML or KMZ files.
  • Based on your irrigation plan, the required application depth (as a percentage of the maximum application) is programmed for each individual sector.
  • No irrigation zones, can easily be edited out of the irrigation plan. This ensures water is not wasted in areas where it is not required (e.g. on laneways, or waterways).
  • The result: Your VRI system will automatically and precisely adjust the precipitation amounts to the set individual zones. Switching from one zone to the next is fully automatic. Change of prescription can also be carried out remotely.
Bauer Beregnung SmartRain Pivot

Remote control and monitoring

With SmartRain and VRI, your irrigation machine can easily be controlled from any PC, smartphone or tablet:

  • You can monitor your irrigation machine at all times, and see the real time pivot location at any given time.
  • You can check data such as current speed, precipitation depth, or connection pressure at any time.
  • You can control the system remotely, and for example, change precipitation rate, application depth, end gun segments and direction if necessary.
  • In the event of unforeseen interruptions, you will be alerted immediately by txt or email, or both.
  • Reports on water consumption, precipitation rates, or other data, can be created at any time.
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Questions about the VRI system?



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